Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Second Lab

13Sep11 Lab Work

Today's experiment involve staining a slide with a bacteria sample taken from the pure culture. After sterilizing the loop, we transferred said bacteria from the Petri dish to a slide. (Which was prepped by placing a drop of distilled water on it.) We spread the bacteria (using the loop) around the area of the slide with the water-drop. After waiting for the water drop (now contaminated) to dry, we heated it over a Bunsen burner by stroking the slide over the burner several times so that the bacteria would be fixed to the slide. Lastly we stained the slide with crystal violet and allowed it to stain the fixed bacteria for 20-30 seconds. Lastly we rinsed off the slide with distilled water to remove any excess stain. The stained slide was placed in a drawer for later use.

Our second task was to isolate an unknown bacteria that was given to us by Dr. Joseph into two slants. We (using a loop) transferred the bacteria named "K" into two separate sterile slants, and put said slants into the incubator at 37 degrees. The original slant was given back to the professor. We transferred the bacterial by using the same technique that was used in the last lab class with the Petri dish... i.e. zig zag motion.

Don Caldwell
Melanie Seitz 

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